Look Away

Steve Skaith / Mike Jones
Steve Skaith Band - Mexile


Nobody likes a wagging finger
Nobody likes to think that its them
Everyone just keeps their nose clean
Here in downtown Bethlehem
Eyes front, head down and you’ll be OK
Just look, just look and then look away.

Nobody pays to hear a lecture
Not when the world’s an open book
You’re free to squirm in any direction
As long as someone’s on that hook
Small leap, long fall in this sad ballet
Just look, just look and then look away.

Look away from the man who can’t pay his way
You keep wishing that the clock would spin round
Someone’s screaming on your mobile and you say
You’ll never get used to that sound
But you will, you will, you will get used to that sound someday.
Trust me – we can get used to anything.

Nobody wants to miss the last bus
Somebody has to jump the queue
Shield your eyes but read the faces
You know they’d do the same to you.
First come, first served, it may you be you one day
Just look, just look and then look away.
You can get used to anything.

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Steve Skaith Band - Mexile

Steve Skaith Band – Mexile


A Studio Version